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Proposal Application
 2019-04-26  Font Size:[ Large Medium Small ]

Instructions for the Project Applications

You can apply for the beam time through The large research infrastructures sharing service platform of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (short for CAS)The official website of the sharing service platform is http://lssf.cas.cn/, which can be visited using various browsers, like IE9 or above version, 360 or Firefox.

Three steps are involved when you apply for the access to the Hefei light source through the large research infrastructures sharing service platform of CAS: project application, experiment application and result feedback.

(A detailed registration is required before your first login)

Project application

Application Submissions from all eligible usersInitial Technical Check by User OfficePre-evaluation by Beamline ManagerScientific Assessment byExpertsBeamtime ApprovedApplication Results Sent to Users

Experiment application: 

The users who have passed the project application submit Experiment ApplicationSubmission Assessment and Beamtime arranged by Beamline ManagerConfirmation and Experimental Assistance Application by UserSample safety Assessment/Experimental Assistance Evaluation by Beamline ManagerPerform the Experiment by UserExperiment Feedback from UserProject CompletionProject Report

Results feedback: 

The user should submit Project  Report, published paper touser office in time.

Please see the attached flowchart for the platform instructions.

Please contact us, may you have further queries.

User Office: 

JIANG fang
Tel: 0551-63602018
Fax: 0551-65141078
Email: jiangf@ustc.tsg211.com

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Feedback, questions or accessibility issues: Tel:+86-551-63602034;  E-mail:xiayi@ustc.tsg211.com;  Fax:+86-551-65141078